​Where our clients should buy land to build upon is a constant question. Our Answer Is: It Depends !

Each state of America is different and they each have their great features and bad features and or places we would stay away from, that can perhaps make one shy away from moving there . You want to acquire land that has had it's chain of title completely summarized from Crown Patent forward to your ownership and follow the process to update that info with your name as the assigned owner, thereby exculpating your land from local jurisdiction. If you have not read about this process, we suggest you  read the PDF and watch the video of Professor Ron Gibson's Class upon the top of the 2023 archives page of joewoodall.com 

Being where you are free then can be where you own land rather than you having to go out searching the world over for freedom, but there is a process, that's a little expensive and time consuming but we believe, Freedom is worth it ! At the bottom of that page read the 30 by 30 article about the US Government wanting to take 30% of all US land back by 2030. That article is at the bottom of the 2023 archives page of joewoodall.com

​The video below as of 01-2024 is four months old, but perhaps details some locations you could acquire. We put a list below this article, of links that work, from that video to help you.

You will want upland land, that drains well and allows drainage away from your build site. Start there with your thoughts and then let's talk about consultation services, that you could use that we provide by calling: 

Joe Woodall for a first free conversation at 706-363-6453.